The Wolves of Midwinter

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

A Prayer Under A Strange Sun
Terri Main

Here I am
Kneeling on orange soil
Under a green sky
Beneath a tree of living stone

But it’s still me, Lord.
I’m still that little girl
Staring at foil stars
Pasted on my ceiling
Late at night when everyone else slept

I sought meaning in those stars
But they were only foil
Then I rode fire in the sky
Folded time and space
And walked on orange soil
Under a green sky
And beheld a tree of living stone

The whisper of the air cycling unit
Sings in my ears
The filters on my face plate darken
The white sun rises
Washing away the colors of night
The time of returning is near.

I scan the horizon
One more time
The orange and green have faded, Lord
And I cannot see the tree of living stone
Against the glare.

I rode fire in the heavens
Folded time and space
Who would have believed
That I would first see your Glory
Kneeling in Orange soil
Under a green sky
Beneath a tree of living stone

Haven't posted much yet! Been very busy this week, yeah yeah, excuses excuses. But I found Wayfarer's Journal and lost track of time, the stories on there were actually very interesting. Ever since reading and loving Arena by:Karen Hancock, oh.. and Firebird Trilogy by Kathy Tyers, I have desired some more Christian Scifi. Great idea to have this site put up, what I found on it I found great. Especially this poem, yes I "stole" from this site. But I am giving credit to it! Anyways what I loved about is that it fit with the whole idea of Madeleine L'Engle's philosophy. That one sees the majesty of God when one looks upon the stars. Great example of this was shown in Madeleine L'Engle's books in A Wrinkle in Time, when Meg sits with her dog on the rock to watch the stars, seeing the majesty and wonder of God's expansive universe. It truly is stunning. I wish there was not so much light pollution , so I could see more of the stars
Brandon Barr
Jim Black
Justin Boyer
Grace Bridges
Amy Browning
Jackie Castle
Carol Bruce Collett
Valerie Comer
CSFF Blog Tour
D. G. D. Davidson
Chris Deanne
Jeff Draper
April Erwin
Marcus Goodyear
Andrea Graham
Jill Hart
Katie Hart
Michael Heald
Jason Joyner
Carol Keen
Mike Lynch
Rachel Marks
Melissa Meeks
Rebecca LuElla Miller
Mirtika or Mir’s Here
John W. Otte
John Ottinger
Steve Rice
Cheryl Russel
Ashley Rutherford
Hanna Sandvig
James Somers
Steve Trower
Speculative Faith
Jason Waguespac
Laura Williams
Timothy Wise
The Awesome Scifi site

Thursday, December 06, 2007

I did not know the world of Christians could be so unloving and clique acting. I have been in war with myself for way too many years and I just feel so confused and really utterly frustrated. Whenever I go to church, they begin talking what books do you read, oh no! Harry Potter you must be some satanist. What? you believe in women minsters, you feminist go to hell!
My views are very different from many, I believe in gun control, protecting the enviornment, and women's rights and that women can be pastors. They are people in Christ too. Yet I am shot down and literally verbally beaten for even expressing such views.
Maybe I should just close my mouth and conform and just change my views to win favor of the people. But yet it feels so selfish, I'm not doing for God, but to win the favor of the peers. I think it is sick how some Christians force their views down your throat and then just literally hog you, treating you less than a human being.
I wish I was able to just smile sometimes, and have fun like all the other people around me, I feel though I am in a glass sphere and to join in the fun I must give up my soul and what makes me humans, or put on a disguise and just pretend to be happy.
There are times when I rather lock myself in my room and just never come out. So I would not be so confused and at conflict with myself and the world. Where I could be accepted for who I am. I try so hard for perfection yet fail. I feel like a ghost walking about the halls of church. I sit down, no one notices me. What is wrong with me? Is there something so horrible about me that people can sense that makes them run in fear.
I do not even know why I am writing this post. I must sound like the most whiniest person in the world. Yes maybe I should just be quiet and continue on pretending to be happy. When I am a sad wreck inside. That is waiting to burst.
My tears imbue my view, yet I wipe them away. No man should cry, I must be strong! Feeling sad is a sin, everything is a sin! Who I am is a sin! God, I cry out for help, yet you continue to remain silent. As I slowly disslove into the black.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

X Japan is back after a decade of anything non existent music wise, they have now returned. Just nine years after death of guitarist Hide, one of the best guitarists ever. What makes X Japan, from the amazing voice of Toshi, the songwriting and drum playing, the bass playing of Heath and piano playing of master Yoshiki. Or of course the awesome guitar playing of Hide and Pata. It is the combination of all these geniuses that make this band one of the most renowned bands in both Japan and the world. Their newest single with unreleased guitar tracks from hide, called IV was on the credits of Saw 4, one of the only reasons I even saw that movie in the first place, since actual track has no release date. They are having a Reunion tour in Japan. Oh man! Why not America, I would die to see them live! Seriously they are an amazing band!!!!!

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

CSFF Blog Tour Day 2, my post one day late

I finally sit myself upon my green Ikea Swivel chair to bring you my review of Scarlet by Stephen Lawhead, a master at fantasy. I recently discovered him, and let me say, I truly did not believe he would be any good. Mostly because, yes, let me admit. I have a problem sometimes with the fantasy genre seeming to take upon the same legends and renovating them. Its something that to me is a bit overdone. But was I being fair. I am judging a book by its cover, a book with a rather snazy cover. How dare I insult a book in that manner. I opened the book and began reading. I was rather indifferent at the moment of beginning the book. So far, standard devices. It may sound like I hated but sometimes when I open a book, I immediately am harsh with it, and think the worst of it. Must have to do with my rather pessimistic self. As I continued to read, I stopped looking at the clock,, stopped using the bathroom, getting up to get a snack or watch some anime online. I was transported to the Welsh woods. I was hooked! Stephen Lawhead's writing entranced me, inspired me. When I finished the book, I dropped it, and immediately felt sadness, that such a great book had to end so quickly. Lawhead's writing is just as many of my online friends have been describing it as, awe inspiring, not at all stale or cliche, like I thought previously before I dove in and began the book. Anyone with even the slightest interest in the Fantasy genre, Stephen Lawhead is a master at his art, and one day just as Mr. Hopper met him, I hope to meet him and tell him the great amount of inspiration I gathered for my writing within my books! He made me for the first time in three months gather just a bit of confidence to write a fair amount of pages of my own story. Thank you Mr. Lawhead, now I must go read some of the Song of Abrion, I have been hearing a lot of great stuff about that books

Trish Anderson
Brandon Barr
Wayne Thomas Batson
Jim Black
Justin Boyer
Grace Bridges
Amy Browning
Jackie Castle
Valerie Comer
CSFF Blog Tour
D. G. D. Davidson
Chris Deanne
Jeff Draper
April Erwin
Linda Gilmore
Beth Goddard
Marcus Goodyear
Andrea Graham
Jill Hart
Katie Hart
Sherrie Hibbs
Timothy Hicks
Christopher Hopper
Becca Johnson
Jason Joyner
Dawn King
Tina Kulesa
Mike Lynch
Karen McSpadden
Melissa Meeks
Rebecca LuElla Miller
Mirtika or Mir's Here
Eve Nielsen
John W. Otte
John Ottinger
Lyn Perry
Deena Peterson
Cheryl Russel
Ashley Rutherford
Hanna Sandvig
Chawna Schroeder
James Somers
Rachelle Sperling
Steve Trower
Speculative Faith
Robert Treskillard
Jason Waguespac
Daniel I. Weaver
Laura Williams
Timothy Wise
Mr. Lawhead's awesome site
Like what you see, Click here to purchase Scarlet

Monday, November 19, 2007

I have had time to think about it and I have recently just read a very great post by John Granger, who did not fall for the media's trap. The media heard the word gay and ran with it and totally blew it up. I do not believe in totally hating upon the Harry Potter books. I have read them completely, and really do continue to love their message of love. I do not feel that the Dumbledore gay revelation was her means of saying she wanted children to accept homosexuality. Maybe it was her means of showing he struggled with it. That is what John Granger wrote up on, and I literally said this is a great post by a Christian I highly respect. Many Christians seemed to immediately react and type up complete rants in order to look good in the eyes of their peers. I am writing this post, because this is what I honestly feel. I feel Dumbledore was a loving person who understand how it feels to be estranged from the world. Fine you may not admit homosexuality is not a real issue, but I think it is, and it is not a fabrication to try and gain attention. There is a very interesting verse in the bible, when Jesus talks of divorce, and saids that some who are born eunuchs, do not need to be married. This fully supports being asexual when you are homosexual and that the struggle is not a sin but the ACT, chaste in other words. I believe Dumbledore found that his love was unmeaningful and decided thus to remain chaste. His struggle helps him to understand others, magical creatures, elves, those estranged by common society. Sort of like how some churches act, we as Christians close our doors and act hostile towards those we fear. Because fear makes us afraid and makes us hate. Hate is a sin, and for me it something I see lurking about the world in huge amounts. Christians laughing at other miseries, hypocrisy, it is running rampant. We as Christians sometimes act like pure bloods, act like the priests who walk right past the man who had just gotten beaten, and the only one to notice him is the Samaritan. We fear differences, we want all Christians to be in uniformity, we fear the Christians with the piercings or engaging in many various sorts of media. Those who were at birth born lame or with mental deficiencies. We shut our doors on rape victims. Why do we pay millions in supporting a company like Exodus to make people who many Christians hate upon even more confused. I challenge all who read this blog to break down walls and act as Dumbledore and to be loving towards those who many Christians have left behind, instead retreating to act among the pures as pure bloods, calling those who are gay, mudbloods.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Excuses, Excuses! I did not read this month's books again. While I could easily attribute that to the fact that I have to do many college essays recently, been reading a great amount of books,and doing a ton of work. I definitely have a life this year. I totally forgot about CSFF Blog Tour. I have been in addition to stress due to colleges and other things, really depressed. I do not know why, but I have this feeling where I feel like doing nothing recently. All I see in the world is darkness, some christians being hateful, and this feeling of air of boastfulness around those Christians who feel like one should not be sad or lost in the precense of God. Except that is how I feel, lost, and depressed about how much hate there is in this world. One of my few close friends who ,even while being gay, I still befriend. Being criticized and other harsh words in my family, from Christians about how he has two disabilities. He is in a wheelchair. I really get angered when people bully him. I feel this disconnection among Christians at the moment. While many at the church are laughing talking about sports and other socail events. There are people all over, hurting and people deeming themselves Christians, either completely ignoring them or outright being judgemental of them. It really makes me sad, and I must say, I never have felt so disconnected. For some reason there seem to be few Christians seeing this. The fact that some Christians are just going around judging and not helping and aiding. Some Christians who are being too ranty instead of being humble like Jesus. I see rape victims, and people with disabilities being ignored by Christian teenagers around me, as they only talk to their clique friends. In my Christian Club, it's devistating. No one talks to one another, there is just this huge wall, where people of different cliques only talk to their cliques. I add this to the list of youth groups I have walked out on because, no one said Hello to me. The only thing I was asked was by a boy who asked if I liked any sports. I said no, and he walked away and he and his other friends joked how I am not "masculine" and that I am antisocial and shy (which I am, I hardly talk). I wish my Christian club interacted with one another, and did not just sit within cliques. Due to the fact most Christians ignore me, I have many friends who are not christians. Some of them are much nicer. Anyways, sorry if this post has turned to a rant. I'm supposed to be talking about The Bark of the Bog Owl by:Jonathan Rogers, which I only found out the tour was for yesterday. I ran out to Borders and Barnes and Knobles, and neither of them had the book. So sorry, I have to sit them one out. This book looks great and hopefully I find time to read it, I need this type of stuff especially in the middle of my depression, this kind of stuff helps me to provide an escape and also gives me some spiritual insight. Only if I knew the exact days the tour was and I did not have so much to do in my life, maybe then I would havebought and finished the novel. I apologize for my rant, and again for not buying and reading the book. I'm almost done Scarlet by: Stephen Lawhead, an excellent read so far (I'm biased, I'm a Lawhead dork)
Brandon Barr
Jim Black
Justin Boyer
Grace Bridges
Amy Browning
Jackie Castle
Valerie Comer
CSFF Blog Tour
D. G. D. Davidson
Chris Deanne
Janey DeMeo
Merrie Destefano or Alien Dream
Jeff Draper
April Erwin
Linda Gilmore
Marcus Goodyear
Andrea Graham
Jill Hart
Katie Hart
Sherrie Hibbs
Christopher Hopper
Becca Johnson
Jason Joyner
Dawn King
Mike Lynch
Rachel Marks
Karen McSpadden
Melissa Meeks
Rebecca LuElla Miller
Eve Nielsen
John W. Otte
Lyn Perry
Deena Peterson
Cheryl Russel
Ashley Rutherford
Hanna Sandvig
Chawna Schroeder
James Somers
Steve Trower
Speculative Faith
Donna Swanson
Daniel I. Weaver
Laura Williams
Timothy Wise
Main Page for the book
Where to buy the book?

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Today, I am going to take a short break from the CSFF Blog Tour. To remember an author who just died. His name is Robert Jordan and he wrote the Wheel of Time. Sadly he died before finishing the book. I literally was in tears, I do not know why, I never knew him personally, but the wonderful world he created and the beautiful characters he wove allowed me to see into him and just like Tolkien, Lewis and Martin he has crafted a masterpiece. To all who know him not, he was an amazing writer, and my deepest wishes go out to his family and may we all remember him for the masterpiece he had crafted. It is such a travesty to lose such a great writer.

Monday, September 17, 2007

I must apologize to all the readers who read my blog, specificially to all the members of the CSFF Blog Tour, I did not read this month's book. You see, for the past three books, it was summer vacation, so I had all time in the world to read and watch anime. But no time has dissapeared thanks to those thieves who stole the sand from my hourglass, Father Time you are supposed to be watching my hourglass, not be lazing on the job. Man you annoy me some times. Mind my wierdness, sometimes after having a lot of coffee, well you know........ same thing that happens to Roheryn. Anyways, I really wanted to read the book, but since it was in a series, and my time was short thanks to stupid school (I like the clubs, but not the course and most of the kids there, if I was to go there, well you know, I could spend all day ranting about ninety percent of the school population) I am really into the whole extraterrestrial thing, so I definitely will read it, that is after I read the first two books. Anyways to end this post, I will give you a short summarry, not written by me, written by the old scrives over at Amazon (lol! The publisher wrote it, heh!) To end my post, I would like to give a shout out to Wayne Batson, "Isle of Swords rocksss!" and to Sharon Hinck,"My mom really enjoyed the Beacky Miller books, and I can not wait to get my Clavo and Restorer's Son in the mail" Oh and well... when I get the time I need to make sure to post a review of Isle of Swords on Amazon.

Summarry (Taken from Amazon)
Book Description
Six years after completing a manned mission to the Red Planet, Admiral John Wells is set to make another journey to Mars. But this time his crew is not alone, as John's team encounters a secret colony comprised of individuals pursuing John Raines' strange religion, the "Father Race."
While John begins to uncover a web of lies on Mars, his wife and daughter are struggling for survival on earth. Now John must survive his dangerous mission and find a way back home, even as a shocking plan begins to unfold millions of miles away on earth.

Austin Boyd is back with his third thrilling novel in the Mars Hill Classified series, full of high-tech intrigue, memorable characters, and adventure that transports readers to another world.

From the Back Cover
With nothing left for him on Earth, Rear Admiral John Wells didn't hesitate to lead a third NASA team to Mars, but he never dreamed that one day they'd look out their laboratory module into the lights of a slow-moving vehicle not their own. In the third installment of the Mars Hill Classified series, life on Mars becomes increasingly more unpredictable as the past collides with the future and nothing, not even the dead, is as it seems.

Meanwhile, back on Earth, the fate of hundreds, including John Wells' family--presumed dead these last six years--rests precariously in the hands of Malcolm Raines, self-proclaimed Guardian of the Mother Seed and Principal Cleric of Saint Michael's Remnant, and his insidious plans for the Father Race.

Wells will find himself in a race against time and all odds to expose the truth: about Mars, about Malcolm Raines, and, if he's very brave, about himself.
Trish Anderson
Brandon Barr
Jim Black
Justin Boyer
Grace Bridges
Amy Browning
Jackie Castle
Valerie Comer
Karri Compton
Lisa Cromwell
CSFF Blog Tour
Gene Curtis
D. G. D. Davidson
Janey DeMeo
Merrie Destefano or Alien Dream
Jeff Draper
April Erwin
Linda Gilmore
Beth Goddard
Marcus Goodyear
Jill Hart
Katie Hart
Sherrie Hibbs
Christopher Hopper
Becca Johnson
Jason Joyner
Dawn King
Tina Kulesa
Rachel Marks
Karen McSpadden
Rebecca LuElla Miller
Eve Nielsen
John W. Otte
Lyn Perry
Deena Peterson
Cheryl Russel
Chawna Schroeder
Mirtika Schultz
James Somers
Steve Trower
Speculative Faith
Laura Williams
Timothy Wise
Austin Boyd's website
Buy the book here

Just got back from the signing in PA.I went, It was awesome. My mom thought I was crazy because I took off school and went right when Barnes and Knobles, where the signing was,opened! I brought a whole bunch of Japanese candy and a camera for the signing (took pictures of some awesome costumes, shirts and signs) At the store I bought Trinity Blood novel and Peeps after so many people recommended it. This signing was really crowded. But the crowd was really friendly ( unlike at some book signings) I met Lexiewild and Immortallove there and someone else from the Lexy but I forget their username) We sat forever outside and slowly the line grew till it stretched all the way alongside the store. I was the first person in line and maybe the first ever male to be first in line at any of her signings. Later on after chatting with the awesome people I was with and chowing down on some pocky and drinking some ramune. My friend joined me, my newly turned recruit into the Twilight universe. By the time I got my wrist band (I was so happy I camped out since 9am, I got to sit in the front row at the Q/A. We all went to the mall, and my one friend and this one girl put on the Volturi Cloaks and went into stores scaring people. It was hilarious especially when they went behind this cell phone saleswoman and made her jump at least two feet (I caught all on video and will post on this post) The Q/A was great especially since she basically was right in front of me. (the footage I took turned out awesome, no heads in front of me)Somebody asked what she thought of fanfiction and she said some of it scared her. I then asked, (and she adressed me as a Volturi, because that is what I was dressed up as) Did you ever believe that boys would ever read your books? She said that she was very happy that some many boys were reading her books and said prob. because they like Jacob (Not me! I'm an Edward/Bella fan, but my fav. character is Alice) When I finally got up to meet her I said Thank you for writing them and she told me she was glad that there are boys out there that are not afraid to read her books, she was really nice, even for the short amount of time I got to meet her (I mentioned the Lexicon to her) So look out for that! Anyways, I had a great time. Twilight fans are the nicest people on Earth ( and the girls literally worship the male fans of the book, No joke! a lot of girls said "I do not know you but I love you" and gave me hugs XD!) Oh and I almost forgot, I got interviewed tv station and I explained to them on camera that not just girls read the books, that there is a male fanbase! I had an amazing night overall!!!!! Watch Today Show this Saturday to catch me, that is if I make the cut!

Friday, September 07, 2007

In our world today, well, its confusing out there. We are constantly at battle with million of things penetrating us. Its hard. But the issue in today's world that distresses me the most is the nobodies. That is my term for the people who are basically ignored in church youth's group and other events. I have been one and it really hurts when you go into a spiritual group and basically everyone ignores you. Another term is the untouchables, the people Christians ignore who they think are too sinful for their bodies to touch; homosexuals, wiccans, goths, and other shady groups many Christians avoid at all costs. I ask those who do that, (we all have at some point) what is the advantages to that. Did God create some spiritual bubble, that we must keep around ourselves, and not let anyone sinful penetrate it. Also why as we as Christians treat these people with such hate. Do we not see the harmful effects of it. There are so many boys and girls out there struggling with homosexuality, and many of them Christians, and they want help. But they feel unloved especially when their Christian neighbors are using certain terms that start with a q and an f (I detest these words so much, that I do not use them), and are always loudly boasting of how God gave them the ability to be attracted to women, and how those who are homosexual are bound for hell. What does that sound like to someone struggling with homosexuality? It makes them feel like their mistakes from God, and makes them feel awful inside. It makes them feel like they should just die. It seriously hurts all the more especially when coming from the mouths of those who say they believe in the all mighty God who is loving and forgiving. Its like that Casting Crowns song, about the girl who is depressed and struggling and nobody notices and reaches out their hand to help. So many of those struggling with homosexuality, feel like that, they feel like everyone will hate them if they were to reveal their true struggling, that everyone will suddenly accuse them of being sinful just because they are struggling with the attraction to the same sex. I have friends who are gay and lesbian, I am not hateful or judge them. I feel very bad for them, some of them have gone through stuff that some people have never experienced. Some of the things they experienced, really saddened me, especially when I heard of stories of Youth Group members who would take very loudly of how they wanted to have all homosexuals be killed. Wow just wow, how can people call themselves Christian and ignore not even just homosexuals, and anyone they deem different, and treat them as nobodies. I ask everyone who has read this to understand I have a very strong stand against hypocrisy and hateful attitudes, having been through some of it myself by others. This post was not meant to argue whether or not homosexuality is a sin, it is more of a post to tell of the hateful attitude in the church is lending to the deaths of some many young people, who had some much potential to do so much great things.

This morning, when I saw on Yahoo news that Madeleine L'engle died I was in disbelief, the author of one of my all time favorite books, The Time Quartet, dead. The woman who wrote such awesome religious books such as And it was good, whose views that science proves God, and other viewpoints, it was made me shift my two year stint as atheist to a full out Christian. For me, she has made such a huge impact in my life, if I was there at her death bed, I would have kissed her hand and thanked her for the great impact she had on my spiritual walk. This wonderful woman may not be remembered by all, as she was a rather controversial figure in the Christian community. But let us take a moment of silence for one of the greatest writers of this past generation. I will always remember when I first read A Wrinkle in time (I read it some much its basically about to fall apart), loving the quirky characters such as Beast and Mrs. Whois and Whatsit?, and IT, one of the weirdest villains ever created. Madaleine L'engle, a woman whose books will definitely stand the test of time.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Here is my entry into the contest, not the best. But I did have a lot of fun typing it up!

"Hey Thar, You scally wallywag! You there in thee small vessel of yours, Are ye who I think ye are, Are ye the great t'Captain Billy Bomb Buckets of t'Great Kingdon of Roses, The Kingdom of t'weak, you scallywags do not know the difference between t'poop deck and t'helm. Ye wastin yer lives a picking and pilfering from the poor scallywags away, ye drink all night, sleep all day, why ye have forgotten the whole purpose of this life. Ye do not know of the greatest pirate of thee time, he no Johny Depp or Orlando Bloom. He hav a great ship in thee sky, with a army of light, not of what ye call sea turtles, but a league of vat is not human.The vuler vonce sent down t'is only son, who walked the plank for t'ours sins. He thee greatest of them all, he never died, he was always with us. So stop thee wastin your lives plunderin poor children and learn of the stories of the greatest pirate of them all, Captain of thee entire big blue wet thing and the lands that lie on thee big blue wet thing. If ye ask and form a relationship with him, ye will receive enternal life upon his ship. ARRR! Do you not take the Captain of thee world into thee sin filled heart? For this will be thy greatest choice in life, there will be no a'turnin back."

ARRR! If ye enjoyed The Legend of thee Firefish. Ye should check out the sequel, The Hand that Bears the Sword. Ye has not got it, but it is on order from Borders.

Christian fantasy at its best has finally arrived in The Hand that Bears the Sword, book two in Emmy award–winning author George Bryan Polivka’s The Trophy Chase Trilogy.

Readers will thrill as newlyweds Packer and Panna Throme are once again thrust into high adventure. Pirate Scat Wilkins returns with evil intentions for Packer as the Trophy Chase sets sail for the deep waters once again. A new and surprising Hezzan in the Kingdom of Drammun has diabolical designs on not just Packer but on the entire Kingdom of Nearing Vast. And, at home, Panna must await Packer’s hopeful return while imprisoned by the lecherous Prince Mather.

Will Packer and Panna escape their separate dangers and find happiness in the Kingdom of Nearing Vast....or will the invading Drammune army steal away their future and that of all the people of Packer and Panna’s homeland?

Book 2 in the Trophy Chase Trilogy

Trish Anderson
Brandon Barr
Wayne Thomas Batson
Jim Black
Justin Boyer
Grace Bridges
Amy Browning
Jackie Castle
Valerie Comer
Karri Compton
Frank Creed
Lisa Cromwell
CSFF Blog Tour
Gene Curtis
D. G. D. Davidson
Merrie Destefano
Jeff Draper
April Erwin
Linda Gilmore
Beth Goddard
Marcus Goodyear
Russell Griffith
Jill Hart
Katie Hart
Sherrie Hibbs
Christopher Hopper
Jason Joyner
Dawn King
Tina Kulesa
Lost Genre Guild
Terri Main
Rachel Marks
Karen McSpadden
Rebecca LuElla Miller
Eve Nielsen
John W. Otte
John Ottinger
Robin Parrish
Lyn Perry
Deena Peterson
Cheryl Russel
Hanna Sandvig
Chawna Schroeder
Mirtika Schultz
James Somers
Steve Trower
Speculative Faith
Jason Waguespac
Daniel I. Weaver
Harvest House's Pirate Talk Contest hosted by the East Indian Trading Company (do not worry, Norrington is no more)
Captain George Bryan of the Flying Dutchman's blog
Where to buy the book if ye are interested?

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Yesterday I posted how much I love ye Captain Bryan's novel! It was thee best pirate adventure that I have read so far this year. I can not stop thinking of thee lessons and spiritual truths that were interwoven so ingeniously throughout the novel. Also instead, of changing the name of the God, we get the actual Earth God and our actual Bible in the book. Not that it makes those other books unrealistic, just in a pirate series it seems appropriate for a world a lot like our own to have the same God and Bible. Thanks to the popularity of the Pirates of the Caribbean series, pirates are back! They are slowing beginning to resurface in the Christian market. That is so great for thee ears to hear and eyes to see. If you enjoyed Captain Polivka's awesome pirate adventure you might want to check out Wayne Batson's new novel Isle of Swords, which I am waiting very patiently for, and am very eager to read it! Here is a short snippet of the book:

A young lad awakens on an island, alone and brutally injured, with no memory of his past . . . Captain Declan Ross searches for riches that will free him and his headstrong daughter, Anne, from the piracy business forever . . . Bartholomew Thorne, an infamously ruthless pirate, seeks to destroy Ross and any who stand in his way of the legendary treasure hidden by a mysterious order of monks. With these intriguing characters and many more, Wayne Thomas Batson weaves a spell-binding adventure filled with high-seas drama where battles rage, storms brew, a long-dormant volcano awakens, and a sea creature slithers in the deep as pirates race for a cliff-top fortress.

Also if ye landlubbers want to show off ye pirate jabber, be my guest and enter Harvest House's contest:
Talk Like a Pirate Contest—Reach Out to a Pirate and Win!

Eugene, Oregon—August 15, 2007— Most pirates routinely plunder and pillage and all that nasty stuff, and have earned the reputation of being an overall mean and grumpy lot with bad teeth. However, pirates are people, too!

Harvest House is pleased to announce the Talk Like A Pirate Contest—Reach Out to a Pirate and Win! Winners will receive copies of The Trophy Chase Trilogy by George Bryan Polivka, and other pirate-related books! Arrgghh! *The rules are simple me hearties! Write a short essay/message (200 words or less) on how you would positively impact a pirate’s life through one or more of the following actions:

a) Friendship/Fellowship (invite a pirate to an activity, outing, concert, church)
b) Prayer
c) Persuasion (as in persuading them to consider another line of work altogether!)
Arrgghh! All you have to do is write up yer message, and submit it between August 20 and Sept. 17 to: Make sure to include yer email address and a good phone number (for verification and contact purposes only). Savvy?! We’ll make ye walk the plank if ye submit more than one entry, so if ye wants to avoid an untimely visit to Davey Jones’ Locker, pay attention ye land lubbers and follow the orders o’ yer fearless captain!

To effectively reach a pirate, you need to speak their language. So, your essay must be written in Pirate-speak! (hint: humor is good!) You can even choose a character from George Bryan Polivka’s Trophy Chase Trilogy to write about, or make someone up! Characters include: Fishbait McGee, Skewer Uttley, Conch Imbry, and/or Belisar the Whale—all notorious pirate captains of Nearing Vast (for ideas on pirate-speak, look up National Talk Like A Pirate Day, which is September 19).

Three winners will be selected, with the three winning essays to be posted on author George Bryan Polivka’s blogsite on September 19. The winners (chosen by a scurvy band of judges whose honor and character are questionable) will receive a veritable pirate’s treasure chest of plunder, including: The Trophy Chase Trilogy (The Legend of the Firefish and The Hand That Bears the Sword, as well as the third book in the series, **The Battle for Vast Dominion). Other titles include When It’s Fourth and Long by Josh Bidwell (punter for the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, Arrgghh!), and Captives and Kings by Craig and Janet Parshall.

*Official Rules (NOT just guidelines):
One entry per contestant. Three winning essays will be chosen by a panel of judges based on humor, level of persuasion, and overall creative writing skills. The three winning essays will be posted on author George Bryan Polivka’s blogsite on Sept. 19, 2007. No purchase, entry fee, donation or any other type of payment necessary. Must be a resident of the lower 48 Continental United States to enter (residents of Puerto Rico, Hawaii, Alaska, Canada or elsewhere not eligible). Employees and/or family members of Harvest House Publishers not eligible. Must be 14 years or older to enter contest and be able to provide proof of age. Retail value of winning entry: $67.95. **(The Battle for Vast Dominion by George Bryan Polivka releases in January, 2008, and will be shipped to the winning contestants at that time).

Print quality images to accompany this press release are available in digital format. Available images are: cover art, author photos, Harvest House logo.

ARRRR! Tomorrow I will be showing off my pirate jabber for ye all! (still sounds a bit southern) You landlubbers better beware, I hear the captain of the Flying Dutchman is back and if ye not careful, you may be joining Captain Jack Sparrow in the desolate lands within Davy Jone's locker!

Trish Anderson
Brandon Barr
Wayne Thomas Batson
Jim Black
Justin Boyer
Grace Bridges
Amy Browning
Jackie Castle
Valerie Comer
Karri Compton
Frank Creed
Lisa Cromwell
CSFF Blog Tour
Gene Curtis
D. G. D. Davidson
Merrie Destefano
Jeff Draper
April Erwin
Linda Gilmore
Beth Goddard
Marcus Goodyear
Russell Griffith
Jill Hart
Katie Hart
Sherrie Hibbs
Christopher Hopper
Jason Joyner
Dawn King
Tina Kulesa
Lost Genre Guild
Terri Main
Rachel Marks
Karen McSpadden
Rebecca LuElla Miller
Eve Nielsen
John W. Otte
John Ottinger
Robin Parrish
Lyn Perry
Deena Peterson
Cheryl Russel
Hanna Sandvig
Chawna Schroeder
Mirtika Schultz
James Somers
Steve Trower
Speculative Faith
Jason Waguespac
Daniel I. Weaver
Harvest House's Pirate Talk Contest hosted by the East Indian Trading Company (do not worry, Norrington is no more)
Captain George Bryan of the Flying Dutchman's blog
Where to buy the book if ye are interested?

Monday, August 20, 2007

Today marks the first day of the CSFF Blog Tour for The Legend of the Firefish, Book one of the Trophy Chase Trilogy by:George Bryan Polivka. I must first admit this, when I first saw the book, I groaned, a hunt for a fish, Oh No! This book better not be like Moby Dick. That book nearly made me hate reading. That awful book, that spent three quarters describing random stuff like the color white instead of focusing on the central plot. I'm glad I delve into the book anyways, the book is miles beyond the stinky Moby Dick. There are no chapters talking about the color white. Instead we get wonderfully painted characters, and awesome writing to make any hopeful writer jealous. The first page hooked me, the writing was very illustrative, I could smell, hear, and see things clearly. Reading this I felt as though I were transported to Nearing Vast. The sword fights were absolutely exciting, when I was in my chair reading I literally was then on the edged of my seat, flipping the pages furiously to see the outcome of the duel. The cover is beautiful, while it may deceive those who have bad memories pf some awful boating trips like Old Man at Sea and Moby Dick. Those who are so hesitant,take this advice, Read it! the book has an awesome plot and stays on topic, unlike those overrated affairs. The only problem I could find in such a top notch book, that I loved every minute of, was that sometimes the shifting of point of views confused me. Other than that, the book was a wonderful read. My journey to Nearing Vast and out on the sea with Packer on the Trophy Chase was exhilarating, and it only cost me fourteen dollars, well it was free because I got a CSFF clearance. "All ye maties looking fer some adventure, look ya no further than Thee Legend of the Great Firefish, get your bottom off thy chair, or laptop and buy it now! We promise you that your soul will be lost in Davy Jone's locker for a day, since you will be doing nothing but reading" Hope you caught that, yeah my pirate talk needs some tweaking. Anyways, see ya mateys tomorrow, I'll be ya sharing my pirate talk with ya all tomorrow! Good day to ye all! (that sounded more like a Southern drawl, then pirate talk! XD!)

Trish Anderson
Brandon Barr
Wayne Thomas Batson
Jim Black
Justin Boyer
Grace Bridges
Amy Browning
Jackie Castle
Valerie Comer
Karri Compton
Frank Creed
Lisa Cromwell
CSFF Blog Tour
Gene Curtis
D. G. D. Davidson
Merrie Destefano
Jeff Draper
April Erwin
Linda Gilmore
Beth Goddard
Marcus Goodyear
Russell Griffith
Jill Hart
Katie Hart
Sherrie Hibbs
Christopher Hopper
Jason Joyner
Dawn King
Tina Kulesa
Lost Genre Guild
Terri Main
Rachel Marks
Karen McSpadden
Rebecca LuElla Miller
Eve Nielsen
John W. Otte
John Ottinger
Robin Parrish
Lyn Perry
Deena Peterson
Cheryl Russel
Hanna Sandvig
Chawna Schroeder
Mirtika Schultz
James Somers
Steve Trower
Speculative Faith
Jason Waguespac
Daniel I. Weaver
Harvest House's Pirate Talk Contest hosted by the East Indian Trading Company (do not worry, Norrington is no more)
Captain George Bryan of the Flying Dutchman's blog
Where to buy the book if ye are interested?

Thursday, August 16, 2007

My summer is sadly winding down! All good things must come to an end. Next year will be my last year at high school (Why am I just so happy to get out of high school? hmmm...) I am praying to God and wondering what he wants me to do with my story. I am working really hard on it and my intricate underlying subplot of the hypocritical theocracy, which I as of now trying to cleverly weave within my story. Going to the beach two weeks ago, ah.. the Jersey shore, while being a bit too commercial for my own tastes; God allowed me to write some great ideas to weave into my story. For now, its is still very rough. But every day its looking better and better. I want to finish a lot of it, before school starts up again knowing with all the course load I took this year, I will have no time to write. Well maybe a little! School does have its one purpose, giving me fodder to shape my character and his struggles.

I am not just writing as the summer ends, I am reading like crazy and while trying to find a book to stave off my post Harry Potter boredom, my friend recommended me this awesome vampire series by:Stephenie Meyer. Looking at the cover I think, Romance. But as I started reading it, I got sucked in. Yeah it has romance but also has the ultra cool vampire family,The Cullens, and it does have a few action sequences. Once I started I got sucked in and could not stop reading. Good merits include no sex, a little cursing but not anything that you have not heard from people around you. I mostly recommend the series for people like me who love vampires. Good news, as I was searching the author's web site, I saw she was having a signing near me September 12. I am definitely going! Anyways see you Monday when The CSFF Blog Tour featuring The Legend of the Firefish begins!

Friday, August 03, 2007

Yay! An intelligent review of Deathly Hallows from Christianity Today! I totally respect them for this, instead of wasting 4 or 5 pages talking of how Harry Potter is evil like a certain other magazine, it tells of its merits. When I read the Harry Potter series, I never had any interest in witchcraft. In the Bible, God saids not to meddle with witchcraft. He is not saying, do not read Harry Potter or watch anything fantasyish. He means "DO NOT PRACTICE IT" Sorry, I sometimes seriously get carried away, when talking about how I do not think Harry Potter is bad. If anyone wants to read of the Christian symbolism of Harry Potter, go check out Sword of Gryffindor or
I seriously love Harry Potter, and am so sad to see it end!

Anyways, here is the article from Christianity Today, BE WARNED! SPOILERS FROM DEATHLY HALLOWS AHEAD!

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

********WARNING***** The below contains graphic violence! This is a working prologue to Book one of the Dragon Bearth Chronicles. I need some input. I believe there to be some major issues with it! Hopefully it is not too bad!


A dark, cloaked figure staggered out of the woods holding his profusely bleeding arm. Black blood soaked his entire left arm of the midnight blue cloak he was wearing.
“Nzcafar,” screamed the man and slowly like melting ice his body dissipated within the dark, grimy ground.
“Where are you? Reveal yourself,” screamed a white cloaked older man with a grizzled Santa Claus beard extending down to his waist. In his arms was a 7 inch dagger with silver casting which radiated a glinting light throughout the dark, smoggy air of the region. Dripping from the end of it was finger length droplets of black blood. When the older man heard no response the hems of his white cloak flew up as he threw the dagger upon the ground and began chanting the language of the old, the holiest of all.
“Hos Cuos Ich Favror,
Sckol Nox Ich
Haskah Nox Iard,“
The words of his spell whispered throughout the residing lands of Nagabra, the land of Shadow. Each word gave beauty to a very dark region of the old man’s newly created world. The trees and dirt seemed to tear up from the beauty of the soft and echoing voice of the man. The old man slowly picked his sword up and remaining on the ground was a patch of red flowers containing a glowing of gold white light radiating off of it.
“That is not the first of it,” he spoke as he slowly brought the dagger to his side as he stripped of his white cloak leaving it upon the dark ground. His skinny, frail body consisted of pale yet beautiful clear skin which seemed to show the reflection of the trueness of someone if they were to look upon it. Unlike normal men, this man had no reproductive organs to dispose of waste of, instead in the nether regions of his body was nothing but more of the clear reflective skin.
For this man was no normal man, this man so powerful yet so loving, was called by the name of Boaz Ichi Savolour Latoro, more commonly known by the name Boaz which in Slavig meant one of great power yet which a forgiving and loving heart. His eyes glistened with tears as he lifted the bloodied dagger to his heart chamber. Slowly his eyes closed and out of his mouth came a beautiful humming which would have brought tears to the eyes of any living being.
As the humming continued he slowly scrapped the dagger violently across his heart chamber, scraping away the cartilage. Blood and bones spilled upon the ground as he continued to hum a quicker yet even more beautiful tune. In a matter of time a great mass of spherical shaped gunk consisting of ruby red skin and veins spilled upon the great river of cartilage bone and blood. Boaz slowly, bleeding continuously, grabbed the bloodied dagger out of the great mass of blood and licked it clean as he prepared to start to cut off his left arm.
“With this sacrifice of my arm and the blood of my inners, I will create one in my vision who will have a lovingly relationship with me,” he spoke as he closed his eyes and suddenly the left arm of his fell upon the ground after a violent snap. Blood guzzled like a fountain out of his left arm as the arm of his dissolved within the bloody, bony mess upon the ground. Gracefully, Boaz closed his eyes and suddenly like a snap of lightning, he began humming.
Grass and trees began growing out of the bloody mess, and then the bones transfigured themselves to fish, deer, and many other various creatures. The left over blood formed rivers, oceans, and lakes. Boaz staggered and crawled his way to the great ball of gunk residing in the middle of his newly created land. Clutching the dagger, he slowly cut across the remaining regions of his left arm. Blood spilled from each of the wounds upon the great gunk of flesh. Gold beams of light shot out of the spherical ball as newly added blood spilled upon the ball.
Suddenly the ball shot out a blast of radiating gold light as the ball broke apart revealing a vein, gunk covered organism resembling Boaz. Only difference was within the nether regions of the organism appeared reproductive organs and a pair of pointy ears. The creature not moving seeped huge amounts of gunk upon the newly grassed land. Boaz took himself upon the creature and slowly brought his lips to the creatures.
“You my creation will be called an elf, a creature who will live in harmony with nature and with the one who created you. You are of free at will to enjoy what I have created, but you are not to listen to a certain creature who like a prancing lion will be waiting and offering you all types of awards, do not listen to him, for what I have given to you already is enough for you,” he whispered as he slowly breathed a harsh breath of air into the creature on which he was laying vertically on top of.
As the last few fragments of air were absorbed into the creature, the creature stood up as Boaz staggered off of him. Boaz realizing he forgot something reached his hand into the heart chamber of the creature and took out his heart. Blood gushed everywhere as he held onto the heart of the creature. With the sharpened edge of his knife he cut the heart into two and kept one half while putting the other back into the chamber of the creature. Boaz this time cut off the other arm of his and threw the arm upon the heart and allowed his blood to gush upon both.
Out of the mess revealed a creature similar to the elf but with different reproductive organs, the creature had long brown hair, and fiery red eyes, and was beautiful beyond anything of nature. Boaz quickly took himself upon the creature using the remaining arms he had left and put his lips to hers and breathed a great gush of breath into her. After absorbing the last of his breaths, the creature stood up as Boaz backed away.
“Listen to what I have told the man, also you my pretty are called an elf but one of a different gender, you both are too share your lives with one another, and are to spread the land with your offspring’s which you will left to figure out just how to do that, Goodbye my children, obey my orders , for disobedience will cause withdrawal from this land and a new feeling which I hope you will never experience, “Boaz cried as he flung himself into the life stream, a river which bordered the small newly created land, which was to take him back to his world, a world which for now was held off for him, for he was the creator, the great one, the infinite and the omega.
The two elves looked upon each other with loving eyes; they quickly exchanged the instructions which Boaz had left for them to follow. Excitedly they ran off to the lake to wash off and to learn more about themselves and just what they were capable of. As splashes and laughing were heard, a dark skinned orcish creature with pointy teeth seeping with black blood crawled his way out of the bush. The creature, hunched over, giggled as his reptilian legs and arms slowly transfigured to a creature who looked like Boaz, except the only difference was the eyes, instead of piercing blue eyes, his eyes were blood red, signifying the evil nature of this creature.
What was soon to happen was to change and upset Boaz, for his newly created race and land was soon to drift into darkness. Thanks to the disobedience of both creatures, who were soon kicked out of this land and forced to live out in a new land, a land less beautiful. A land with pain and suffering, with new feelings Boaz hoped either of them would ever experience A darkness which was to last a long time. Luckily Boaz more powerful than the shadow brother of his had a plan, a plan which was to change the entire world. A plan he hoped would help revert the world back to its former grandiose. A plan which would send down upon the land, an elf unlike the others who would experience more pain and suffering than any elf on land, and help to change the course of the world of Asikar forever.
End of Prologue….

I do not have really anything to say today. Usually I do, but I don't. I'm not totally finished Fearless, but I am really hooked right now! Robin Parrish really has the potential to hit the secular market big right now! Just like Wayne Thomas Batson, both their series are not blatantly Christian and can be enjoyed by anyone. I remember a few months ago when I went to Costco, and saw Skin by:Ted Dekker sitting with other bestsellers. Now that was cool, seeing a Christian book shelfed with a secular novel is an awesome sight. Its been happening more too. Especially at the Borders near me. Just this past Friday when I was at the Midnight Party for Deathly Hallows, I saw Dragonfire shelved in the New Release section, same with Fearless. I also saw the Door Within shelved in the "What to read while waiting for Potter" section. All these sights plus WTB's recent tv interview tell me God has got something big going on. I for one, cannot wait to see it happen!
Trish Anderson
Brandon Barr
Wayne Thomas Batson
Jim Black
Justin Boyer
Grace Bridges
Amy Browning
Jackie Castle
Valerie Comer
Karri Compton
Frank Creed
Lisa Cromwell
CSFF Blog Tour
Gene Curtis
D. G. D. Davidson
Merrie Destefano
Jeff Draper
April Erwin
Linda Gilmore
Beth Goddard
Marcus Goodyear
Andrea Graham
Russell Griffith
Jill Hart
Katie Hart
Sherrie Hibbs
Christopher Hopper
Jason Joyner
Dawn King
Tina Kulesa
Lost Genre Guild
Rachel Marks
Rebecca LuElla Miller
Eve Nielsen
John W. Otte
John Ottinger
Robin Parrish
Lyn Perry
Cheryl Russel
Hanna Sandvig
Chawna Schroeder
Mirtika Schultz
James Somers
Steve Trower
Speculative Faith
Jason Waguespac
Daniel I. Weaver
Robin Parrish's web site
his blog
Where to buy the book?

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Well, I have started reading the book. So far,the writing style and the way the chapters are written remind me of some of the thrillers that I have read written by Ted Dekker and Dean Koontz. Besides that point, I really am intrigued by the plot and the surnames given to each of the characters with Super powers. I would have loved though to read the first book first, because starting a series in the middle is like jumping in the middle of Lord of the Rings and not fully grasping the struggle they are facing, or not fully understanding in Harrry Potter, how Voldemort, the dark lord came to power again. There is something special about starting a book from the beginning, it really allows you to fully see what the author wants you see and understand. That is why, since I am hooked already, I will read Relentless after this, this series has all the hooks of a good thriller, and Mr. Parrish, I m officially hooked.Check out some of these really cool author's blogs that are down below.

Trish Anderson
Brandon Barr
Wayne Thomas Batson
Jim Black
Justin Boyer
Grace Bridges
Amy Browning
Jackie Castle
Valerie Comer
Karri Compton
Frank Creed
Lisa Cromwell
CSFF Blog Tour
Gene Curtis
D. G. D. Davidson
Merrie Destefano
Jeff Draper
April Erwin
Linda Gilmore
Beth Goddard
Marcus Goodyear
Andrea Graham
Russell Griffith
Jill Hart
Katie Hart
Sherrie Hibbs
Christopher Hopper
Jason Joyner
Dawn King
Tina Kulesa
Lost Genre Guild
Terri Main
Rachel Marks
Rebecca LuElla Miller
Eve Nielsen
John W. Otte
John Ottinger
Robin Parrish
Lyn Perry
Cheryl Russel
Hanna Sandvig
Chawna Schroeder
Mirtika Schultz
James Somers
Steve Trower
Speculative Faith
Jason Waguespac
Daniel I. Weaver
Where to buy the book?
Robin's blog
his main site

Monday, July 23, 2007

I must admit the truth, i have not read the novel! I know! I know! It is my task for the CSFF Blog Tour to read this novel. I really like the concept and all, and will read it when I have the time. Also I tried but was confused, I really need to read the first book, as I have not been able to get hold of it. My library said they would order it, so I must wait a while to read Relentless. Other then that, I have read too many novels for my own good, and been writing like crazy recently. Also, I was going to try and make my way through the novel this past weekend and try my hardest to get the hang of what is going on. But the new Harry Potter book took over my weekend's spare time, as after waiting 9 years for the conclusion, I could not wait any longer to read it. I will try tonight to try and read it and hopefully come back tomorrow with some more meaningful post, then a list of excuses as to why I have not read it yet. For a more updated take of the novel by me, check back tomorrow!
Trish Anderson
Brandon Barr
Wayne Thomas Batson
Jim Black
Justin Boyer
Grace Bridges
Amy Browning
Jackie Castle
Valerie Comer
Karri Compton
Frank Creed
Lisa Cromwell
CSFF Blog Tour
Gene Curtis
D. G. D. Davidson
Merrie Destefano
Jeff Draper
April Erwin
Linda Gilmore
Beth Goddard
Marcus Goodyear
Andrea Graham
Russell Griffith
Jill Hart
Katie Hart
Sherrie Hibbs
Christopher Hopper
Jason Joyner
Dawn King
Tina Kulesa
Lost Genre Guild
Rachel Marks
Rebecca LuElla Miller
Eve Nielsen
John W. Otte
John Ottinger
Robin Parrish
Lyn Perry
Cheryl Russel
Hanna Sandvig
Chawna Schroeder
Mirtika Schultz
James Somers
Steve Trower
Speculative Faith
Jason Waguespac
Daniel I. Weaver
Robin Parrish's Blog
His website
Where to buy the book?

This past Friday, I went at 4pm to my local Borders to get Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. While some do not like Harry Potter,I do and I respect those who may find Harry Potter bad as long as you respect my views.B/c even though Harry Potter does have sorcery in it, the way it is presented, is in a fantasyish manner not unlike Eragon and some other books. Also, it upheld good values such as love and courage. I really do love these books. They never got me interested in Wiccan, instead it gave me comfort when I was down. For the fantasy realm that is contained within these books give me a great escape from harsh reality. Anyways about the party, well I dressed up as Death eater, one of Lord Voldemort's henchmen. Believe me I believe them to be very despicable beings. Anyways, I met some wonderful people here. We all talked about what we thought might happen and all. I also convinced many after a discussion about Christian Fantasy to purchase the Door Within. Hope they enjoy it as much as I did! By the end of the night I was tired and ready for bed. It was all worth it, for I am immensely enjoying the novel and was in tears over learning of a certain character's death. Though I was disappointed by the fact some deaths were nearly brushed over, and some questions that remained for readers are not explained enough. Besides those few qualms the novel lives up to the hype and it is quite a fitting conclusion and I really loved it!

Monday, July 16, 2007

I had a really good day! I went to the Newark,DE stop of the Fantasy Fiction Tour. All 4 authors, Wayne Thomas Batson, Bryan Davis, Christopher Hopper, and Sharon Hinck were all wonderful people and I am so glad I got to meet them. Their books have really strengthened my relationship with the Lord and I am so happy that God has allowed them to go across the East coast promoting books that really exemplify God's amazing love. Right when I got home, I started on Eye of the Oracle, since I only started reading the Dragons in our Midst books about a few weeks ago and after that I will be reading The Lion's Vrie. What I love about all four author's books the most, and also what separates secular and Christian novels is that these books contain all that I love about secular fantasy novels, like cool fighting sequences, interesting characters,and humor, but also contain a great visual of God and how amazing and wonderful he is. While I love the Harry Potter books and Neil Gaiman's books, they do not make me spiritually happy, they just make me physically happy (I don't know if this makes any sense). Thank you Mr. Hopper and Mr. Batson for the sword fighting lessons, and Sharon Hinck for being such a kind person (of course all the authors were really nice), Mr Hopper for his very interesting talk about dew, and Mr. Davis's for reading the most humorous scene of the DIOM books, and for the really cool poster. Anyone on the west coast, if they do a tour there next year I am telling you to Go! I am telling you the drive is worth it to meet such awesome authors. Thank you Real Armor of God for sponsoring this wonderful tour, and thank you again to the authors for writing such good books. I will continue to be a loyal customer of your books, who will be at the bookstore upon release of all your books. Thanks again! God Bless! Oh.. almost forgot, my mom so far is really enjoying the Becky Miller books, she saids thanks for writing them and saids they were well worth the money. Oh and she also saids to all four authors thanks for writing such great books that Justin loves and I will soon love along with him! Afterwards she told me, that she was very glad to take me to such a great event!
I gave her a hug and said back that I am glad she took time out to take me!
Thanks again! I had a blast!