Blog Update
My reading list is literally a smorgasbord of fascinating reads. For example, I'm reading an unconventional zombie romance that is a surprising departure from the literal "brainless" zombie stories. Its called Warm Bodies, and I hope to have a detailed review sometime during the first week of March. With college depriving me of time, I decided to limit my number of reviews to approximately one a month, or even less till around May when I'll have more time to commit myself to reading, and reviewing more books.
Here are the upcoming reviews on my schedule:
Wither by:Lauren Destefano(February)
Shadow's Master by: Jon Sprunk (March)
Warm Bodies (sometime during either February/March)
For April, I plan to focus on Madeleine L'Engle's books, as a part of a slated celebration of the 50th anniversary of her seminal novel: A Wrinkle in Time.
I apologize again for the low number of reviews! There is a lot of schoolwork on my end.
Off Planet Author Interview & Give Away!
I always enjoy doing my Take 10 Q&As with various authors. This time, I'm
really excited for you to get to know Aileen Erin! She was one of the
5 years ago