Excuses, Excuses! I did not read this month's books again. While I could easily attribute that to the fact that I have to do many college essays recently, been reading a great amount of books,and doing a ton of work. I definitely have a life this year. I totally forgot about CSFF Blog Tour. I have been in addition to stress due to colleges and other things, really depressed. I do not know why, but I have this feeling where I feel like doing nothing recently. All I see in the world is darkness, some christians being hateful, and this feeling of air of boastfulness around those Christians who feel like one should not be sad or lost in the precense of God. Except that is how I feel, lost, and depressed about how much hate there is in this world. One of my few close friends who ,even while being gay, I still befriend. Being criticized and other harsh words in my family, from Christians about how he has two disabilities. He is in a wheelchair. I really get angered when people bully him. I feel this disconnection among Christians at the moment. While many at the church are laughing talking about sports and other socail events. There are people all over, hurting and people deeming themselves Christians, either completely ignoring them or outright being judgemental of them. It really makes me sad, and I must say, I never have felt so disconnected. For some reason there seem to be few Christians seeing this. The fact that some Christians are just going around judging and not helping and aiding. Some Christians who are being too ranty instead of being humble like Jesus. I see rape victims, and people with disabilities being ignored by Christian teenagers around me, as they only talk to their clique friends. In my Christian Club, it's devistating. No one talks to one another, there is just this huge wall, where people of different cliques only talk to their cliques. I add this to the list of youth groups I have walked out on because, no one said Hello to me. The only thing I was asked was by a boy who asked if I liked any sports. I said no, and he walked away and he and his other friends joked how I am not "masculine" and that I am antisocial and shy (which I am, I hardly talk). I wish my Christian club interacted with one another, and did not just sit within cliques. Due to the fact most Christians ignore me, I have many friends who are not christians. Some of them are much nicer. Anyways, sorry if this post has turned to a rant. I'm supposed to be talking about The Bark of the Bog Owl by:Jonathan Rogers, which I only found out the tour was for yesterday. I ran out to Borders and Barnes and Knobles, and neither of them had the book. So sorry, I have to sit them one out. This book looks great and hopefully I find time to read it, I need this type of stuff especially in the middle of my depression, this kind of stuff helps me to provide an escape and also gives me some spiritual insight. Only if I knew the exact days the tour was and I did not have so much to do in my life, maybe then I would havebought and finished the novel. I apologize for my rant, and again for not buying and reading the book. I'm almost done Scarlet by: Stephen Lawhead, an excellent read so far (I'm biased, I'm a Lawhead dork)
Brandon Barr Jim Black Justin Boyer Grace Bridges Amy Browning Jackie Castle Valerie Comer CSFF Blog Tour D. G. D. Davidson Chris Deanne Janey DeMeo Merrie Destefano or
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